Le Ministre de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural S.E. MBAIROBE GABRIEL a conduit la Délégation Camerounaise à la 8ème Conférence Ministérielle de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI) sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Développement Agricole, qui s'est tenue du 25 au 27 Octobre 2021 à Istanbul en Turquie, sous le thème « Améliorer le Système Alimentaire, pour assurer la Sécurité Alimentaire des États membres de l’OCI ».
La Conférence qui a vu la participation de plusieurs experts, des hauts cadres des organes spécialisés de l'OCU, les Ministres de l’Agriculture des États membres de l'OCI et des Organisations de la Société Civile, visait à évaluer les actions de l’Organisation dans ce domaine et fixer les orientations futures y relatives.
La Réunion Ministérielle s'est déroulée le 27 octobre 2021, sous le Haut Patronage de S.E. RECCEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, Président de la République de Turquie.
Au cours des allocutions des Chefs de Délégation, le Ministre MBAIROBE GABRIEL a porté la voix du Cameroun en appelant au renforcement de la coopération au sein de l’OCI, en vue d’assurer la Sécurité Alimentaire dans les États membres de cette Organisation. Pour Y parvenir, le Gouvernement Camerounais prend progressivement plusieurs mesures prévues dans la SND-30. Il a également relevé que le Cameroun pourrait abriter un des magasins de stockage de la 4ème RSA de l’OISA.
On the sidelines of this 8th Ministerial Conference, H.E. MBAIROBE GABRIEL, had a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, H.E. DR. BEKIR PAKDEMİRLİ, on October 26, 2021. The stakes of the OIC Ministerial Conference and bilateral cooperation were at the center of the discussions between both Ministers. The Head of the Cameroonian Delegation congratulated Turkey for the successful organization of the 8th Ministerial Conference, the relevance of the central theme as well as the quality of the discussions during the experts and Senior Officials Meetings.
At the bilateral level, the two Ministers congratulated themselves on the excellent relations of cooperation, friendship and solidarity that exist between Cameroon and Turkey as well as envisaged approaches geared at strengthening this cooperation in the field of Agriculture between the two countries, mainly through actions such as strengthening partnerships between SMEs, sharing of good practices, experiences and the transfer of appropriate technologies.
The MINADER granted hearings to the Top Management officials of some specialized OIC institutions, after his clarion call on the importance of strengthening cooperation within the OIC on October 27, 2021.
Among whom where, Mr. YERLAN BAIDAULET, Director General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (OISA) who expressed the interest of the Organization in Cameroon by requesting the support of our country in the realization of its activities. Mr. BAIDAULET also indicated that OISA is willing to open its African Office in Cameroon, which could also house an RSA storage facility.
In-depth discussions on supporting Cameroon in the production of staples such as rice, cassava, etc. and the financing of PPP projects, by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), in the agricultural sector, was also the main topic of discussion with Mr. NUR ABDI, Senior Representative of the IDB.