The leadership

H.E. Paul BIYA
Presient of the Republic
“Cameroon’s cultural, linguistic and sociological diversity is indeed one of its most valuable assets. As a source of creativity and vitality, our diversity blends harmoniously with our desire to live together, to lay the groundwork for our constant quest for the consolidation our country’s unity. We do not only draw inspiration from our diversity, but also the determination and strength needed to meet our challenges”.
H.E. Paul BIYA, Yaoundé, le 18 January 2019

Minister of External Relations
Under the impetus and guidance of the President of the Republic, H.E Paul BIYA, Head of Diplomacy, Cameroon has widened the circle of its partners around the world by establishing new
Diplomatic relations and strengthening its presence thanks the creation or reopening of several Diplomatic Missions. An Influential, Discreet but effective Diplomacy. The principles of Cameroon's
Foreign Policy are organized around three key ideas, namely: national independence, non-alignment and international cooperation. They are based on a methodical tripod of presence, participation and
influence. Cameroon is one of the rare countries on the planet to be part of the Francophonie, the Commonwealth and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Welcome message of
H.E. The Ambassador
Welcome to the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in the Republic of Turkey. Within the context of the implementation of the Greater Opportunities Policies of the Government of Cameroon, this website provides you with important information about Cameroon and its bilateral relations with the Republic of Turkey. With many incentives and business opportunities which our country offers, the site also provides information about Cameroon as an incomparable investment and tourism destination of choice in Africa with the right investment climate, political stability and security, which are conducive conditions for national development and attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
It gives us great pleasure to navigate you through Cameroon “Africa in Miniature” with its diverse landscapes that represent the continent’s major climatic zones, natural features such as white beaches, mountainous areas, tropical rainforests, savannah grasslands and sparse deserts including "Mount Cameroon" which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
While valuing your interest about our country, this site aims at establishing direct communication links with our esteemed users and fellow Cameroonians in the Republic of Turkey and all over the world. We invite everyone to kindly take advantage of the on-line services made available: up-to-date information on Cameroon as well as online links for electronic consular services (application for registration and/or issuance of consular cards, issuance and renewal of passports, visa applications, etc.).
Our site also gives the possibility of consulting the main links of the Main Institutions of the State of Cameroon, notably the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of External Relations.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a warm and cordial welcome on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon.
With warm regards,
Ambassador of the Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Turkey.

Tourism in Cameroon is a growing but relatively minor industry. Since the 1970s, the government of Cameroon has cultivated the industry by creating a ministry of tourism and by encouraging investment by airlines, hotels, and travel agencies.
Investing in Cameroon

There is room for Turkish investors in the various sectors of Cameroonian economic activity. Turkey has the capacity to meet our needs, and we could work together in domains such as infrastructure, mining, agriculture,agrifood industries, construction, public works, telecommunications, energy, hydraulics, transport e.t.c
Apply for a Visa

1) A passport with a validity of at least Six (6) months.
2) 1 recent Passport Size Photograph, 7cm X 5cm or 5cm X 4cm (with the name of the applicant on the back).
Cameroon at a glance
History: Cameroon, christened by the Portuguese in 1472, owes its name to the vast numbers of shrimp (camaroes) which was found in the River Wouri around Cameroon’s coast.
Cameroon is very diverse in terms of population and geography. Its almost 18 million people represent between and 200 ethnic groups speaking some 250 languages, and its landscape ranges from sub-Saharan in the north to thick rainforest in the south-parts of which receive more than 200 inches of rain each year.
Population, total (millions)
Population growth (annual %)
Population density (people per sq. km of land area)
Population growth (annual %)
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)
Income share held by lowest 20%
School enrollment, primary (% gross)
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Why invest in Cameroon?
Given its geostrategic position, its potential and the vision of the Cameroonian authorities, including Vision 2035, there are certainly good reasons to invest in Cameroon.
Law n ° 2013/4 of 18 April 2013 and its subsequent amendments laying incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon, applicable to Cameroonian or foreign natural and legal persons, with a view to encouraging private investment and stimulating national production.
Investment opportunities are clearly set out in the Industrialization Master Plan which aims to make Cameroon "the factory of the new industrial Africa by 2050"
We receive and study the applications for conventions provided by the investment legislation. We obtain the necessary visas to execute the investment programs proposed by the company for the validity period of the approval document. We help approved companies take the necessary steps to implement investment programs, including access to related public facilities. We monitor and ensure compliance with the commitments made in the approval document and take appropriate action if necessary. We propose all the measures likely to improve the implementation of sectoral codes. We establish, in liaison with the relevant technical services, simplified administrative procedures as per type the of activity.